I have to say that it is really starting to boil around here! We're getting constant 30°C (that's about 86°F for you Fahrenheit people)!
Our team is still chugging away, but this week has definitely been a little uneventful.
We did get a spiffy new game icon though!

Also, we've added a batch of sound effects as well. It lacks a bit of context if we were to just post it, so I'll make sure we get some footage of it in action!
We've also been struggling with the font the we initially chose out. Those of you who saw some of the early gameplay mock screenshot and the live gameplay last month might know what we're talking about.
Our programmer managed to get his hands on a prospective new font, so hopefully we'll be able to stop dealing with the letters and words clipping into each other!
Anyways, thanks for sticking with us!
We'll see you again soon!